By Melissa Vella.
Hello ladies, today I would like to chat about protecting your assets. Now by assets I don’t mean ummm…‘The Girls” but your home, belongings, car, property, a business or maybe even an investment property.
One way to look at an inadequate insurance policy is to relate it to purchasing a cheap bra. Or perhaps something even worse, going without insurance is like going without a bra. [Only those with nothing to lose could get away with that!]
You know what happens when rush to buy a bra or purchase a cheap one, you don’t try it on, and then without doubt it won’t fit right. It will pinch you, fall apart, and won’t give you the support you needed. You will be left exposed; feeling vulnerable and wishing you had purchased one with better coverage. You may even feel a little let down!
Well a bad insurance policy is just like an ill-fitting bra. You shouldn’t settle for the cheapest. You should find one that is comfortable, suits your needs and is going to perform…
Take the time to find a professional and have an insurance policy fitted to suit your needs. Find an insurance representative that will listen; whom you can develop a reliable and trusting relationship with. It will make your life so much easier if there is someone to help guide you through the insurance maze, explain the fine print and be on your side. They have more than one brand and style so can find you a policy to fit from an A to a DD!
Please take time to think about all you have achieved in life and ensure your assets are properly protected. What would happen if your home or contents were destroyed in a fire? Would you have enough to rebuild your lives? What would you do if your car was crashed, your business burgled or your mobile missing?
Here are a few points to ponder for proper protection.
- Your house should be insured for enough to rebuild it and consider demolition, architect and council fees.
- Do a walk around in your home and value the contents in each room. Make sure that you use the new, replacement value to calculate. I’m sure you would be surprised by what you find!
- Does it cover your items away from home?
- When was the last time you had your jewellery valued? Is it covered correctly?
- If you did crash your car, do you get to choose your repairer?
- Was your rating protected?
- Do you get a hire car?
- Do you have windscreen cover?
- Can you call one point of contact for all your insurance policies?
- Does your business policy cover business interruption?
- When was the last time you had a proper review of all your covers?
Invest a little time and effort to seek out an insurance representative for professional advice.
It’s guaranteed to be time well spent.